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Taxes & Incentives

休斯顿以优惠的成本提供了极具竞争力的商业环境. The region is a national leader in business relocations and expansions thanks in large part to its pro-growth attitude. 州和地方的激励措施以及优惠的税收结构使该地区成为吸引各种规模公司开展皇冠HGA010官方下载的地方. 

Cost of Doing Business in Houston

Texas and Houston understand the need for a stable, business-friendly and transparent tax structure. 德克萨斯州是少数几个没有州长的州之一, state or corporate income tax, 这使得做生意的成本很有竞争力. 休斯顿具有成本效益的税收结构使其成为任何希望建立皇冠HGA010官方下载或扩大现有足迹的公司的首选地点. Plus, the personal tax burden in the Houston area consistently ranks among the lowest in the nation, which makes it an attractive place for people of all backgrounds to live and work.
$956.7 million

Houston area sales tax allocations totaled $956.7 million in ’18

State Incentives

A range of local and state incentives are available to qualifying companies in the Houston area to support new, expanding and relocating companies. The Partnership can help identify potential economic incentives that will match best with your relocation and/or expansion, 并促进地方和州领导的激励过程. 德克萨斯州通过向在该州创造就业和推动创新的公司提供有竞争力的激励措施,投资于该州的未来. This section summarizes some of the most commonly used state offerings administered by the Office of the Governor, Economic Development and Tourism.

总督,经中尉批准. Governor and Speaker of the House, 是否可以向在德克萨斯州搬迁或扩张的公司提供现金补助. 考虑申请德州企业基金(TEF)的项目必须通过创造大量就业机会和资本投资来证明项目的价值,以便最大限度地为德克萨斯州带来利益,并实现公共资金的回报.

  • 项目必须在农村社区创造至少25个新的就业机会,或在城市社区创造至少75个新的就业机会,工资必须达到或高于该县的平均水平.
  • 奖励金额在5美元的范围内,000 up to $10,000 per job created, with an average of $7,德州每个合格的新工作500美元.
  • 申请费为1000美元,审批流程为30天.
  • 奖励金额和成本效益分析在很大程度上取决于新工作的数量, the job ramp-up, and the new job wages.
  • Program includes claw-back provisions if the company does not meet their obligations of the agreement.

赠款可用于帮助德克萨斯州社区和技术学院为德克萨斯州企业和员工提供定制职业培训的资金. 该基金通过资助设计和实施定制的职业培训项目,帮助企业和工会.

  • 每名合格受训人员的培训补助金平均约为1 800美元.
  • The average maximum award is $500,000 per company; however, 好处可能因提案而异.
  • The partner college applies for the grant and administers the grant on the company's behalf.

员工少于100人的企业可以向德克萨斯州劳动力委员会(TWC)申请当地社区学院或技术学院提供的培训, 或德州工程推广服务(TEEX). The program pays up to $1,800 for each new employee being trained and $900 for existing employees per 12-month period.




State Tax & Financing Incentives

Local communities partner with Texas to promote job creation and capital investment in economically distressed areas. Approved projects are eligible to apply for state sales and use tax refunds on qualified expenditures.

  • 承诺创造或保留固定工作岗位的雇主, make capital investment, and fill at least 25 percent of its new jobs with individuals who are either economically disadvantaged, veterans, or residents of an enterprise zone can receive state sales and use tax refunds on items purchased for the designated site.
  • 项目必须达到或超过该县的平均周薪才有资格.


For most projects, the maximum sales tax rebate is $2,500 per qualifying employee, up to 500 employees. Larger projects can qualify for higher rebates up to $7,500 per qualifying employee.

制造业企业购进机器设备,享受国家规定的销售、使用税免征, processing, 或制造有形个人财产出售.


在制造业中使用超过50%的公用事业的公司, processing, or fabricating of products for resale may apply for a sales tax exemption on their utilities. 销售税豁免适用于所有通过单一交付点购买的公用事业,只要这些公用事业主要用于制造, process, or fabricate the product. 它需要通过公用事业供应商进行主要用途研究.


Designed to help Texas small manufacturing companies remain competitive in the ever changing global marketplace. The TMAC center provides technical assistance at a discounted rate for process improvements, environmental regulations upgrades, 技术和市场的变化.

有设施的公司可享受从价财产税减免, devices, and equipment used to control air, water, or land pollution. 公司可以向德州环境质量委员会提出申请.

专门从事制造业的公司, selling, 或安装太阳能或风能设备免征德克萨斯州特许经营税. 其他安装太阳能或风能系统的企业有资格获得系统成本10%的特许经营税收减免.

Residential, commercial, and industrial renewable energy devices are exempt from property tax under Texas law. This exemption is applicable to most renewable technologies, including solar, wind, and biomass.

PACE旨在提供低成本, long-term financing for water and energy efficiency and conservation improvements to commercial and industrial properties. Property owners can evaluate measures that achieve energy savings improvements or retrofits and receive financing, 作为建筑物的估价偿还. 评估期最长可达20年.

Industrial Revenue Bonds provide tax-exempt or taxable financing for eligible industrial or manufacturing projects, allowing for cities, counties, 在保育及填海地区成立非牟利工业发展公司或代表它们的管理机构. 目的是为其管辖范围内的项目提供债券.

随着11月7日第10号州提案的通过, 2023, this landmark legislation offers a multitude of benefits to medical and biomedical manufacturers, 主要是免除了他们的存货税和设备税, 因此,从2024年开始,他们的整体有效税率将大幅降低.

This authorized the state legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation tangible personal property, 包括制成品或在制造过程中使用的产品, 由医药或生物医药产品制造商拥有的.

This legislation defines medical and biomedical property as tangible property that is:

  • Stored, used or consumed in the manufacturing or processing of medical or biomedical products by a medical or biomedical manufacturer; or
  • Intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of a condition or disease or in medical or biomedical research.

This includes devices, therapeutics, pharmaceuticals, personal protective equipment, tools, implants, instruments and apparatuses.

Local Incentives

There are a number of local incentive programs available to companies looking to invest in the Houston region.

The Texas Jobs, Energy, 技术与创新法案(JETI), 由第88届立法机关第5号法案设立, Regular Session is a competitive economic incentive program aimed at attracting large-scale, 德州社区的资本密集型发展项目, 培育新的资本投资,创造高薪就业机会. Companies planning a new project within the following categories are eligible to apply for the program:

  • Manufacturing facilities
  • 自然资源开发设施
  • Research, development or manufacturing facilities for high-tech infrastructure equipment or technology
  • 建设或扩建关键基础设施


JETI emphasizes the creation of quality careers while offering tailored tax incentives, 包括为期10年的学区维护和运营(M&(六)税收评估价值限制不超过50%, with an additional 25 percent available for projects in qualified Opportunity Zones. The program's tiered structure accommodates businesses of all sizes based on county population, 确保大公司和创业公司都有机会.


Key components may provide for offering loans and grants of city funds or services; commitments for infrastructure; or payments to a business of an amount equal to a portion of the local sales tax generated by the project. 协议的条款可以灵活变通,以适应企业和当地社区的需要,并根据具体情况确定.

1979年立法机关批准的,A类 & B Economic Development Corporations are an important tool used by local communities to support real estate, infrastructure and training. A类和B类公司都有权为创造或保留主要就业机会或商业基础设施的项目提供资金. Allowable expenditures include:

  • Land and facilities improvements
  • Machinery and supplies
  • 财务交易和计划成本
  • 清理费用(需要选民批准)
  • Bonded debt expenses

Foreign Trade Zones (FTZs) allow companies dealing in foreign trade to delay payment of U.S. 海关的进口关税,直到他们的货物和商品实际进入美国.S. commerce. 货物进入对外贸易区(FTZ)无需正式的美国许可证.S. 海关入境或不招致美国罚款.S. Customs duties or excise taxes unless and until they are imported into the United States.

Sites are typically in or near a U.S. Customs port of entry where foreign and domestic merchandise is generally considered to be in international trade.

德克萨斯州的税务机关允许对所有在德克萨斯州购买或带入德克萨斯州进行制造的企业库存免征从价税, assembling, manufacturing, 储存或加工,然后在175天内出口到州外.

  • 自由港合格项目包括货物, wares, merchandise, 其他有形个人财产(包括飞机部件), and ores.
  • 不符合条件的项目包括石油、天然气和其他石油产品.


Maximum tax abatement is 100 percent per year and cannot exceed 10 years in length. Terms of the abatement agreement, 包括所需的最低投资和创造就业机会, 不同的税收管辖区有所不同.

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休斯顿地区由12个独特的县组成, 每个都为一系列行业部门提供理想的环境.

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